
NeutralBias t1_jd1tas2 wrote

No kidding. I use a Mac as my daily driver, but I have to admit I find Apple's design choices for Mac OS frustrating. I really wish they would take the next release and just do some maintenance on the OS's basics, especially the goddamn finder. Also, Apple has totally ignored the gaming community, so if I want to do any kind of serious gaming I need separate hardware. Mac OS used to be a lot better IMO, but the addition of gatekeeper broke a LOT of software from the Unix/Linux world.

Linux would be ideal, but I need something that can run Adobe software and my work's office365 setup doesn't play well with Linux. Plus its hard to ignore the M series processor's Power to Performance ratio.

Windows is a huge mess. I don't understand what Microsoft's end goal for it is. They're actively removing basic functionality like local accounts and the ability to move the taskbar. Whats really egregious is their lack of concern for security issues and bugs. They straight up broke printing for something like a year. A while back, Microsoft canned their internal QA teams and outsourced the whole process to windows insiders.

Linux has a real opportunity here - they just need support from the proprietary world. Start getting native AAA games or productivity software and Linux can really make some headway.


NeutralBias t1_j7i6ral wrote

Wow. That's really abusive. Microsoft is really making the case that they can't be trusted with OS development anymore. Something like this should have never left the testing phase, and in fact probably would have been killed then and there had Microsoft not killed its in house testing process years ago. Instead, new features are pushed out to windows insiders and pre release testers in the wild, and Microsoft relies on telemetry to tell it about bugs. Its clearly a process that's not working, but since its much cheaper, Microsoft wont go back to in house QA teams.

So what's a computer user to do? You could get a Mac, and modern Mac OS is very usable and feature complete. Its also not polluted with as many ads as Windows. They still exist on MacOS, but they're all first party and relatively rare. Downside is you have to pay Apple's exorbitant hardware costs and obnoxious upsell strategies.

What about Linux? Its great except for productivity and production software (I'd argue gaming too, but that's greyer area than most). If you need Office or Photoshop, you're basically SOL on Linux. Browser based alternatives really arent there either.


NeutralBias t1_izcwx79 wrote

End of an Era indeed. Few product designs last for years, let alone the more thanhalf century the B747 has been around. Really amazing work Boeing did in the 1960s. The 737, also designed and first certificated in the late 1960s, is still in production.

They dont build em like they used to…