
New2ThisThrowaway t1_jecjmm1 wrote

This isn't true for all tapes. It should measure correct when used this way, but the ends are notorious for being inaccurate.

You can see the inaccuracy in the photo. Use a photo editor or a post-it on your screen and grab 1/2 inch from further down the tape. Move it down to the end and you'll see your 1/2 inch reference line up with 9/16th.

Summary: it's 1/2 inch board. The tape measure is off by a 16th, like you said.


New2ThisThrowaway t1_iyyo17j wrote

I was thinking the same thing. But this data is for new units. The number of homes completely destroyed by hurricanes is relative low compared to these numbers. Most homes are damaged, not destroyed.

I couldn't find exact stats, but it looks like fewer than 10,000 homes destroyed by hurricanes in FL this year. That's .00046 per capita. Not negligible, but also probably wouldn't change these numbers much.