
t1_j9amcoo wrote

I don't think anyone expected it to happen. Hell, I wasn't even sure if I would do it. But I guess the unexpected happens more often than you'd think.

I wasn't planning to actually kill him. Figured I would send him for a scare and, at best, make him think about the people he kills trying to "protect" the city.

Captian mercury was the fastest man alive! There was no way my pistol should have done anything. But maybe I was too close for him to react like he was too startled. Or maybe he didn't hear the shot over the roar of the jets overhead celebrating his latest victory against Metatron. Whatever it was, it was enough. I heard the crack of the hammer and the piercing pop of the gunpowder in the round.

And he was dead. As his body fell, a silence fell over the city. Metatron began laughing a crazed laugh. "I KNEW YOU WOULD LOOSE IN THE END CAPTAIN! THE GODS OF FATE DEEMED IT SO SINCE OUR FIRST BATTLE."

People didn't really know how to react. Their invincible hero. Dead. Their protector and icon. Lay before them in a pool of his own blood, the deep red crimson staining his white and orange uniform, seeping into the ground beneath him.

I stood there frozen. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to give him a scare. To make him see it from my point of view. Like how one would smack a friend who wouldn't move on from someone to try and get then so see what's really going on. That's what I intended. Then he would speed over to me, putting me in cuffs or something, and he'd ask me why I shot at him. And I'd give him this whole prepared speech I had about how he doesn't save this city, how him being here is what's putting it in danger, how the reason he doesn't notice is because he loves the attention he gets for being a hero. Then he'd think about it and realized I was right, then he'd leave. And me and my daughter could finally be safe.

But there I was, looking between my shaking hands and the Heros dead body. The gun fell from my hand, and I dropped to my knees just as his brother Captain Colt of the NBPD tackled me. I was handcuffed and tossed into the same van as Metatron. It was in that van that Metatron told me something that would change my life forever. He said to me: "Congratulations." "What're you congratulating me for?" I barely spoke in a whisper, but his response still came. "Well, way I see it is you're now the greatest supervillain to ever live! Isn't that splendid!" His words echoed in my head. The voice that delivered them came from the most insane person in the world. But even then, I knew what he said had truth to it. I wasn't the fastest or the strongest or smartest

was as normal as a human could be. But I was the only one who's ever managed to beat the hero. I did the impossible.

I never intended it. But I was then made into the most infamous villain ever. People came up with stories to explain it. How I invented a new gun that could shoot bullets at the speed of light. Or maybe I was controlling time around Captain Mercury to make sure the bullet hit its mark. As timed went on, people made me out to be stronger and more powerful. No one knows that I was just some random citizen, no stronger than the rest of them. I suppose that wouldn't do. No one wants to think their gods can be killed by just anyone. No, their gods can't be killed by a run of the mill dad. To them, a god can only be killed by a stronger god. So that's what they made me: the strongest, most powerful god in the universe. But I'm no god. I'm just your average citizen who was trying to protect their daughter from being killed in a fight labeled as "for the greater good"