There are already answered, so I'll just write cool stuff.
Just like life, it's not black and white or acid and basic. It's just a big mass of chemical equilibrium. Even in a cell, you have different pH for organelles and stuff.
Fun fact : in mitochondria, we use glucose (super complex stuff) to send protons (H+ ions to be simple) in the outer area of the mitochondria. Because the amont of protons is very high in this area (acidic) and lower in the center area (less acidic) while being separated by a membrane, the protons want to go back and they can go through massive barrage that use their force to generate energy. It's called the proton motrice force and it's basically a protein water barrage that generate energy for your cell. Because we spend less energy moving the protons up than they generate by going back, excess energy woohoo. That's breathing baby
Tldr : We didn't invent the principle of water barrages, cells (bacteria) did.
Look up videos of ATP synthase on YouTube, and in the litterature if you want more infos. Super dope stuff.
NiktonSlyp t1_j9ist9i wrote
Reply to Why are we not acidic? by stronkreddituser
There are already answered, so I'll just write cool stuff.
Just like life, it's not black and white or acid and basic. It's just a big mass of chemical equilibrium. Even in a cell, you have different pH for organelles and stuff.
Fun fact : in mitochondria, we use glucose (super complex stuff) to send protons (H+ ions to be simple) in the outer area of the mitochondria. Because the amont of protons is very high in this area (acidic) and lower in the center area (less acidic) while being separated by a membrane, the protons want to go back and they can go through massive barrage that use their force to generate energy. It's called the proton motrice force and it's basically a protein water barrage that generate energy for your cell. Because we spend less energy moving the protons up than they generate by going back, excess energy woohoo. That's breathing baby
Tldr : We didn't invent the principle of water barrages, cells (bacteria) did.
Look up videos of ATP synthase on YouTube, and in the litterature if you want more infos. Super dope stuff.