
NinDiGu t1_iuet6d0 wrote

You are. I am talking about the capabilities of the species

Dolphins are in motion they entire lives even when they are asleep.

For most of human existence until we started exploiting fossil fuel to become WALL-E human tubs of lard, we exercised at least 8 hours a day.


NinDiGu t1_iudygxn wrote

The only people who can only hold their breath for two minutes are people who have never practiced it.

Ask a free dive instructor about how long it takes a classroom of average students to learn to hold their breath for more than two minutes even when they max out at 10-20 seconds their first try.

We are talking about capabilities here, and dolphins do not have the deep diving abilities that whales and sea lions and elephant seals do.

They have about the same capabilities as humans.


NinDiGu t1_iuc7kyo wrote

> hold their breath for crazy lengths

Not really. Humans can hold their breath as long as dolphins.

Turtles drown routinely from running out of oxygen. As do marine animals.

Living in the ocean is safer for ocean living surface breathing animals because they are thermally adapted, and a good measure of airway protection so that when they are at the surface they are not drowned by water in their throat (this is what drowns humans) but surface breathers live at the same knife edge as humans do it in the water, and can drown just as quickly if they are kept from the surface.


NinDiGu t1_iuaguom wrote


NinDiGu t1_iuaazrs wrote

The only problem with some Ween songs is that they end.

They only hit for me at about 1 in 5, but the ones that hit, I wish they would never end.

Buckingham Green is like that for me:

I could listen to that song for hours.


NinDiGu t1_iu8ycnb wrote

That may have been it. I always have a cup of salt handy when watching the show.

I enjoy the show because in general I love panel shows, and there are lots of QI episodes to watch, but man the elves get so many things wrong, and Stephen even mocks people who know things. The specific examples that irked me was when Stephen Fry doubled down on his mistakes about German to a German speaker, and when he mocked Sean Locke for the interesting fact that banana plants are mobile (referred to as walking), which at least he was corrected on during the same show.


NinDiGu t1_iu8wbss wrote

> The US has more tornados than any other country, 1100-1200 per year.

Interestingly, the UK has more tornados than the US according to QI, but they are just much weaker.

As I rarely trust the fact checking on QI, as they almost always are wrong on facts about my area of expertise, I cannot imagine it to be true that GB has more tornados than the US, but they said on QI that there were more tornados in GB annually than the US.


NinDiGu t1_iu86ltx wrote

Death at around 50 is pretty typical for males. Every time I think about that, I think about Nobunaga singing that song in Kurosawa’s Kagemusha when Nobunaga finds out about the imposter daimyo.

Death at around 50 is a full life well lived for a male.

Found the clip on YouTube!

Sasuga Shingen!

With his boy lover slaves staring adoringly at him.


NinDiGu t1_itfjuau wrote

The Wikipedia article cites for the statement:

>All 320 of the men on duty at the pier died instantly, and 390 civilians and military personnel were injured, many seriously. Among the dead were all five Coast Guard personnel posted aboard the fire barge.[36] African-American casualties totaled 202 dead and 233 injured, which accounted for 15% of all African-American casualties during World War II.[37] Naval personnel worked quickly to contain the fires and to prevent other explosions. Injuries were treated, those seriously injured were hospitalized, and uninjured servicemen were evacuated to nearby stations.[38]

So citation 37 is the way to read more:

> U.S. Army, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. History. "A Chronology of African American Military Service. From WWI through WWII. Part II". Archived on May 28, 2008. Retrieved January 25, 2010.

The linked page is

Here's a fun quote from that article:

>1942 Black newspapers that ran articles strongly criticizing segregation and discrimination in the armed forces had trouble obtaining newsprint until they softened their stance. The U.S. Justice Department also threatened to charge 20 editors with sedition.

On topic:

>1944 By this time, the War Department’s critical need for troops overseas helped to ease opposition to the dispatch of black servicemen to the European or Pacific theaters. The number of African Americans serving in-theater jumped from 97,725 in 1941 to 504,000 in 1943. However, 425,000 black troops remained in the United States. The military claimed that allied foreign nations objected to the presence of black troops, but it was usually American commanders overseas who opposed their assignment.

Italics mine

>Ultimately, though, this incident did result in changes affecting racial relations in the Navy, because ammunition loading ceased to be a "blacks only" assignment. The Navy also adopted safer procedures for loading ammunition.


NinDiGu t1_iswvl1f wrote

Until the late 1950's the majority of fertilizer in Japan was untreated human waste.

Old style Japanese houses had a room, for pooping, that was over a pit that was emptied weekly and used as fertilizer. An indoor outhouse so to speak.

There are still many houses that use this system, usually in more rural areas.

So these are private and indoor, but not in the way most Westerners think of private and indoor.