
t1_iujw1fg wrote

If someone gives me a book it’s going into a pile and I’ll eventually get to it.

I once had a coworker give me a book and I put it next in the sequence, because the subject fit in the gradient I had going on, between subjects.

Another co-worker gave me a book and it took me a year-and-a-half to get to it.

Interestingly, I read these books back-to-back. They were both good.

Everyone moves at their own pace and (from my experience) reading is less enjoyable when it becomes obligatory.

Don’t take any delay personally.

I hope that helps.


t1_iqnq3a0 wrote

American Giant are pretty thick/rigid (I have one and love it, but based on what you’ve put forward here I don’t think it’s the right fit for you).

I think you’d have some luck at Marine Layer— they have a decent retail footprint + Nordstrom also carries select items. Return policy for both is very generous if you give it a go and decide ‘no’.