
NoDownsideToOutside t1_j6glgox wrote

The metals in lithium ion are infinitely recyclable and easier and more cost effective to do so.

Not like plastic where you can recycle it, but it’s expensive and a pain in the ass


NoDownsideToOutside t1_ixw1ihm wrote

People fail to realize the grants these labs are given. These companies are definitely double dipping. I’m not saying stuff like this isn’t hard to produce, but I doubt $3.5 mil/dose worth of labor, and research was done, even without grants/subsidies/tax breaks the company received.

Also a lot of these things are developed and then the company buys the patents solely for distribution profits.


NoDownsideToOutside t1_ivguyuq wrote

There’s only one type of mosquito known to transmit deadly diseases out of the 200+ different mosquitoes.

Ridding the world of this one would prevent millions of deaths and mental disabilities that come about through this mosquito. No scientific paper has come to the conclusion that getting rid of it would have any noticeable effect on the environment since other species would take its place.