
No_Yak8345 OP t1_jd36zag wrote

Hi, so I am still working how best to describe the concept of closeness but it doesn't mean similarity. It's a percentile score. 100% means the secret word itself. The word hiking compared to all other words was semantically the closest to the secret word. I've noticed that the inflated number sometimes throws people off so I'm working on a way to fix that


No_Yak8345 OP t1_jd33z6g wrote

I'm trying to figure out how to help the AI understand context more. I will have a solution soon but when you asked it if it's a primary color it assumed you were talking about the actual word itself.


I'm hoping this will clear things up. Sorry about the confusion


No_Yak8345 OP t1_jd33wn2 wrote

>I'm trying to figure out how to help the AI understand context more. I will have a solution soon but when you asked it if it's a primary color it assumed you were talking about the actual word itself.

I think this will help clear that up. I'm working on a fix


No_Yak8345 OP t1_jd32ihh wrote

I was trying to recreate this and I realized that the AI doesn't have any context. When you asked it if it's one of the primary colors, it assumed that you were asking whether the mystery word might be a color. It said no so as to not mislead you. Working on improving this


No_Yak8345 OP t1_jd2w7cl wrote

Anyone seeing this, I have $7 of OpenAI credit left and the last thing I want to do is take this down. Does anyone know someone who works at OpenAI that’s willing to process my usage limit increase request quickly


No_Yak8345 OP t1_jd1t4gt wrote

I’m sorry about that. I’m getting a lot of traffic and I have a limit on how much I can use GPT4 so when they block my access I revert back to GPT3 and that’s why you got that kind of answer. I’m looking for a long term fix. Thanks for the feedback