Norci t1_jbfenco wrote
Reply to How Reddit is getting simpler — and dealing with TikTok, with chief product officer Pali Bhat by BronzeHeart92
Reddit isn't getting simpler, it's getting shittier. It was simple like 6 years ago, now it's bloated with meaningless bullshit, awful redesign and shitty administration combined with shitty moderation.
Norci t1_j92h0yy wrote
Reply to comment by MrVandalous in Apple Pushing to Launch Search Engine to Rival Google by DragonWarrior566
I don't think those statements really hold true for iPhone. A full touch and app based phone was a pretty novel concept, considering how the rest of the phones looked and operated back there, and there were plenty of successful actors in the mobile phone market.
Sure, it's not a 100% world breaking invention, it's still a phone, but it's still a novel concept.
Norci t1_j0ooxoa wrote
Reply to The Bill C-18 Fallout: Liberal MP Lisa Hepfner Equates Linking to News Articles on Facebook to Theft by The1stCitizenOfTheIn
Are people finally starting to realize that this has far wider effects than just "Facebook bad" circlejerk?
Norci t1_itzgzn7 wrote
Reply to comment by Jaded_Prompt_15 in India orders Google to allow third-party payments, slaps on another fine by nimajjibewarsi
Yeah like Google would pull out from one of their biggest markets..
Edit: Lmao he blocked me. It's one of their biggest market counting people that can afford a phone, duh. India is massive and makes up for people that can't afford a phone with the sheer number of people that can.
Norci t1_itw993h wrote
Honestly Apple can go fuck themselves, acting entitled to 30% of others' revenue just for hosting their app on the store is bonkers.
Norci t1_jdq62nu wrote
Reply to comment by RamsesThePigeon in Silicon Valley Elites Are Afraid. History Says They Should Be by Mynameis__--__
> It’s the equivalent of being unable to distinguish between a chef-prepared meal and something with the Lunchables logo on it.
> Chat-bots produce painfully average offerings; works that check all of the surface-level boxes, but that are completely flat. They still scare me, though, because they’re revealing the fact that people who are willing and able to recognize as much are apparently in the minority.
I know it sucks not having one's effort as a creator appreciated, but frankly, you're kinda being a bit of a pretentious drama queen here. Your comment with the poem received 2k upvotes with only a couple heavily downvoted users implying it was made by ChatGPT (which is currently a trend to use in reddit comments). Obviously, they are in the vast minority, not the ones that recognized your efforts.
There's nothing new or controversial here, there have always been arrogant and/or ignorant people online eager to question and diminish professionals and creators, with or without AI. For every topic there are dozens of armchair experts waiting for their chance to jump into the conversation, AI or not.
However there have always been hundreds of shitty creators too, producing content that is as bad, or worse, than AI generated one, being cheered on by a cohort of yes-men, so you can't exactly fault people for not being able to tell the difference. I went to an open mic last week, and honestly, AI would produce more enjoyable poetry than some of the people there if we are to talk strictly about the structure and content.
Maybe to you, someone skilled in the craft, the difference between human and an AI's poems is day and night, but to the average Joe it all looks the same, and it's not their fault, the simple truth is that it takes knowledge and expertise to appreciate skills and effort. I'd bet if you were shown artwork done by AI and by humans, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference either. But since most people do have experience with food, anyone would be able to tell Lunchables from a professional meal. I know it's an exaggeration, but AI vs human content is nowhere near as obvious to average people.
Mind you, none of this should be some kind of shocking news to anyone, AI is not the culprit here. The reality is that many people have no sense of taste or quality. That's why you have garbage content being popular, be it TV shows like Jersey Shore, generic music, r/funny or asset flip games. It always has been and always will be the case, many people simply don't care about arts and won't be able to tell apart good one from bad, AI or no AI. Personally, I'm into board games and it's same thing here, the amount of people who likes Monopoly, despite it being a shitty game all things considered, is massive. Ironically, I too started out my journey into the hobby with it.
It's tough being a creator and realizing that most people have no appreciation for one's craft, but many do. Unfortunately that's what decades of shitty media does to society, and few have time and effort to learn the better, nor do many need too either. You just gotta try to filter out the noise and focus on people appreciating your art.