NotBorris t1_j9f1zhm wrote
Reply to if you could pick one book to read again for the first time , which one would it be ? by [deleted]
Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susana Clarke
Till We Have Faces by C.S Lewis
Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger
What about you?
NotBorris OP t1_j8rl5qc wrote
Reply to comment by LaserFlowerRecords in Books that made it easier to get up in the morning by NotBorris
Also, just listened to some of your new album, congratulations on that. You're really talented. My favorite of the ones I heard was Fresh Start, I hope you're happy with it, you're allowed to be proud of yourself.
NotBorris OP t1_j8rknsq wrote
Reply to comment by LaserFlowerRecords in Books that made it easier to get up in the morning by NotBorris
Rosewater is absolutely one of my favorites of Vonnegut, it will always have a special place in my heart. And hey, don't beat yourself over things you have no control over, try to be kind to yourself and allow yourself a moment to breath. I'm not good at getting people to kick those kinds of habits but if you ever want to talk I will respond.
To answer your question, I might suggest Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. It's one of my favorite books of all time, I can't stress enough how much of a good book it is. As well as all things Salinger like Nine Stories.
Please be well.
NotBorris t1_iu49ot6 wrote
Reply to Pocket book novels by NubbyNob
All Salinger books I have are pocket sized, as well as Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut.
NotBorris t1_je9oi3n wrote
Reply to The Brontë Sisters by carrotwhirl
I've only read Jane Eyre, so far at least. I really liked it