
Not_Pictured t1_jdjal7z wrote

I guess. The mathematical models we are using to guess at what is going on already break with what we've got.

Really as someone who intends to never enter an event horizon, mathematically there is no difference between the matter of a black hole being in a singularity, or being evenly spread just under the event horizon. The stuff that comes out of a black hole, gravity and charge, don't care so in a very real sense there isn't a difference.

In fact it might not even be defined in the same sense that many things in quantum mechanics aren't defined until measured. And since it can't be measured as far as the external universe is concerned, why would reality care to pick?


Not_Pictured t1_jdj9ate wrote

The singularity is a finite distance from the event horizon which means it's a finite time away (as measured in both time and space and the distinction could matter in this case) when inside the event horizon. You will catch up to something and that something should be a singularity.

The acceleration felt by the atoms or neutrons in a neutron star is > the speed of light. Nothing can resist ending up in the infinitely dense center. There is no physical mechanism we know of that could resist it.


Not_Pictured t1_j9oktkf wrote

All of our understanding of physics comes from making up models of reality and seeing how close to reality they match. The model of reality that treats all particles as excitation in fields is part of the single most accurate model humanity has ever come up with.

Is this model a true analogy of reality? Yes? Maybe?. At some level our 'real' understanding of realty turns into a version of "shut up and calculate" or "we don't know". It 'seems' reality is a bunch of rubber sheets stacked on top of each-other. Waves and ripples move through them and the energy from one sheet can transfer into other sheets like as if they touched eachother. Waves in one can 'bump' and create waves in other fields. "Physical things" are again just excitations in one or more of these rubber sheets.

The best answer to "what is a field?" is the definition of a field because that's what the model of reality assumes it is. True or not.


Not_Pictured t1_itg3oiv wrote

Brace for the “Reeeeeee”.

We can all agree that no matter the outcome of this or any future election, they are 100% above board. Anyone denying outcomes should be removed from polite society.

Even if it’s an absolute blow out, or a squeaker with unexplained cars parked in a Florida airport filled with blank ballots, anyone questioning it should be banned outright.
