Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j99zd3i wrote
Reply to comment by flyingh1 in Samsung's next-gen display to add blood pressure and sugar level monitoring by xcalibre
Not for medical purposes though, so there’s still room for a breakthrough after this major advancement.
I expect that Apple has been researching and developing a medical-grade glucose monitor since Apple Watch Series 3. A non-invasive glucose monitor would make smart watches a part of an insulin prescription
Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j6zvhaa wrote
Reply to comment by neteazy in Springfield driving discourse by shitmaroll
Passing is meant for vehicles that are going slower than the speed limit.
If you need to pass someone, you shouldn’t need to speed to do it.
Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j6wif2p wrote
Reply to Springfield driving discourse by shitmaroll
I don’t understand why so many people are practically acting like road laws don’t exist. Anyone from Missouri would know that OP is fucking obviously referring to highways, where people constantly go 15-25 over and sit in the left lane until they’re within 7 feet of their exit.
I hate how many people act like legal speed limits are just guidelines. If the sign says 70MPH, you are not legally allowed to drive faster than 70MPH. Shut the fuck up about “the flow of traffic” and stop being a part of the problem. If everyone else is going 10 over, and I’m in the far right lane going the legal limit, then I’m the one abiding by the law, while everyone else is breaking it, not the other way around.
Stop fucking driving as fast as you can. You’re saving a few minutes at the very best, and endangering those around you. The maniacal driving I see every day makes me want to vacate the country. Speed limits are LIMITS, not fucking guidelines.
I f y o u d r i v e f a s t e r t h a n t h e l i m i t , y o u a r e b r e a k i n g t h e l a w.
Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j6whgg3 wrote
Reply to comment by shitmaroll in Springfield driving discourse by shitmaroll
Not_TheMenInBlack t1_j9brtne wrote
Reply to comment by EnigmaHSV in Samsung's next-gen display to add blood pressure and sugar level monitoring by xcalibre
I could see companies making budget versions that collect health data and do nothing else.
Whoever patents it could very well make billions from it, but here’s to hoping that the winner shares the breakthrough.