Notamansplainer t1_j9aop4c wrote
Reply to TIL: If you cut 2 different sponges up, disaggregate them (push them through a sieve), and mix the 2 cell-slurries together - the sponge cells reassociate with their own cells, but not cells of the other species. This is being studied to understand tissue repair and transplant rejection. by Geek_Nan
Now I'd love to know what they're doing in the lab that discovered this.
Notamansplainer t1_jdyk31d wrote
Reply to TIL in the tiny African kingdom of Lesotho, a local style of accordion folk music known as Famo has sprung a fierce bloody gang war which has contributed to its high homicide rate. Little-known to the outside world, scores of musicians and hundreds of DJs, fans, family members etc. have been slain. by delano1998
So... Like Bob Marley and his thugs back in the day then?