
NovelAuntieGin t1_j6b25ck wrote

He's not the only one. There are stats by race and other factors on police killing people.

If you're a KKKop, you're roughly 8 - 12% more likely to kill a white person than a black one. But white people make up over 70% of the population. If you're a Black person, you're something like 400% as likely to get killed by a KKKop than if you're white.

If you're a young, Black male, you're many times more likely to be stopped, searched, charged, convicted, arrested, assaulted, killed, and/or imprisoned than if you're a young white male.

The usual KKKopsucker response to this is that the young Black men are the ones committing all the crime. But that doesn't hold up either.

We only have stats on closed cases. KKKops only ever close about 1 in 3 serious crime cases. And a whole lot of those few who they arrest and charge turn out to be false charges. That's why we have The Innocence Project.


NovelAuntieGin t1_j6b0alu wrote

>The genesis of these skewed perceptions is the media.

That's not true. The media generally only picks up on these stories when the community forces them to. The murder occurred on Jan 7th. Memphis authorities didn't decide to fire or charge the murderers until after they found out that there was video of the whole incident that was outside of their control.

There is absolutely nothing unusual about what they did. We all know it, especially the KKKops. We're only hearing about it because there was video outside of their control. They only fired and charged the murderers because they knew the video was about to be released.


NovelAuntieGin t1_j5z3o9f wrote

I think that most property owners just can't fathom the concept that most renters don't really gaf about new carpet.

Maybe YOU or your wife or your side piece can't imagine living with just... renting a carpet cleaner from Save-A-Lot for $35 dollars for the home where you live.

But the people who are paying off your mortgage, taxes, insurance, ++? They sacrifice something, embarrass their kids, AND go hungry a day just to rent a carpet cleaner from Save-A-Lot so they can hope and wish to get back that deposit that you already spent on whatever you think will impress somebody.

Just remember that those toddlers of hers will be the ones changing your diapers when you're old and incontinent.

Fuck them at your own peril !


NovelAuntieGin t1_j5nles6 wrote

Forbes and Brady / Birmingham Bridge going East. Navigation only says to turn right onto Birmingham Bridge. It doesn't say how far right, though. First time, I erred on the side of not potentially heading into oncoming traffic. Navigation said that Southside is overrated anyway and showed me the shortcut to ACJ.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2vvkiw wrote

No... I'm critical of others (driver or not) who are so irrationally scared of poor and well tanned people that they turn down decent offers.

They won't employ these people, approve loans for them, shop in their neighborhood stores. They won't even allow them to move around freely without harassment, demand that our KKKops quit killing them and falsely imprisoning them, etc. They won't spring for infrastructure or decent schools, only more KKKops.

But, so long as these attitudes persist, I'll keep on taking advantage of the situation. So THANKS, bigots! Keep redlining those certain neighborhoods. All the more for the rest of us.

Btw, I checked the detail of that offer. It was 9 miles. But it was 6:30PM. So I probably would have taken it for $15, definitely $20. It wound up taking 50 min, so I'd have been disappointed if it were only $15.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2qlttd wrote

$10? No. Because it was more than 10 miles. I accepted it for $30, which would be enough. I would have been happy with that.

But there is a misbelief that people who live in poorer neighborhoods don't tip and that it's dangerous to go put some food on their porch for them.

That's not true. Neither thing is true. I do it all the time.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2qkuok wrote

Reply to comment by PghCreep in Food delivery redlining by NovelAuntieGin

See, I don't know every street. I don't think any driver does. I get offers from Saltsburg to Finleyville and from Cranberry to Smithfield. Nobody can know all of those streets by name.

When I decide whether to take an offer or not, I see the restaurant and maybe which street and the general area for delivery. They tell me the miles from where I am to the last drop and estimated time to do it.

I make my decision based on that. A whole lot of drivers will reject an offer bc the customer lives in a neighborhood that has been in the papers.

Please don't do that cause it puts a burden on people who live in those neighborhoods. But, as long as you do, I'll be making bank.

That's all I was trying to say.


NovelAuntieGin OP t1_j2qj44b wrote

Exactly that. I would have been happy to do that trip for $30.

There are two reason why this was a $60 trip. 1) because other drivers turned it down, so UE kept piling on incentives till I got and accepted the offer. 2) both customers were just so thrilled with actually getting good service that they both made an emotional decision to increase my tip.

I'm being heavily sarcastic when I ask them to keep it up. I'll take and enjoy the money in the mean time. But I'd like it better if everyone could count on basic service without having to borrow from the rent or utility money to cover it.