ONESNZER0S t1_j8fdt3u wrote

Exactly. I hate these bullshit motivational things that try to make it sound so easy to just make positive changes in your life. I dropped out of college because i couldn't afford it and didn't have time to work full time and pay all my bills AND spend the time on classes. Now, I feel like i have less time and energy to devote to classes, and don't have much more money either.


ONESNZER0S t1_j3t7wc3 wrote

I can't speak to why , but i did notice that the Japanese 3DS/XL's that I was looking at on ebay often looked brand new, and most of the U.S. sellers stuff looked like they had been run over by a truck. I honestly thought maybe that the Japanese ones had just had their shells replaced. I wondered if maybe people in Japan had easier/cheaper access to replacement shells because they seem to look like new. Or , maybe they just take better care of their stuff? Who knows?


ONESNZER0S t1_j3f2b1j wrote

They probably just live in the U.S. , where BILLIONS of hard working American's tax dollars were GIVEN to all the big, rich, greedy ass ISP's to expand high speed internet services, but they never did it, and just kept the money to buy vacation homes and lambo's and shit.

I live 8 miles outside of a city of about 150k people, and was in this exact situation a few years ago and had to pay through the nose for shitty Hugesnet satellite internet (aka shitnet) , where i was only allowed 10GB a month, yes a month, for almost 2 years until AT&T had an opening in their, slightly less shitty, DSL service. Cable does not service my area. I'm now using internet through my cell phone service, and it's ok, but not what I would like it to be. But you know, the U.S. is the greatest country in the world.... if you're one of the greedy, rich elites.


ONESNZER0S t1_j135cqf wrote

i couldn't find the article i first saw , but I did a google search for "PS5 new model 2023" and found several articles talking about the new model. I misunderstood , and now see that they are saying they are not sure if the new PS5 will be a PS5 Pro or not, but Sony wants to streamline production, and all new PS5's will be digital, but you can buy a detachable disc drive for it if you want to play physical media games. I didn't see anything else in those articles talking about when the PS6 might come out, but it seems like the original article i saw talked about 2028.


ONESNZER0S t1_j1339u5 wrote

i just saw an article a couple of days ago that was talking about Sony 'refreshing' the PS5 , and just having one model that you can put whatever size SSD you want, instead of having the 2 different models. It went on to say something about PS6 in 2028.

I haven't seen anything talking about next gen Xbox.