Let me see if I understand this. To piggy back off your example, the x axis can be the weight(lbs) of a dog from least to greatest and y axis can be the amount of food the dogs ate also in lbs and from least to greatest. Based on the data we plotted we draw a line that best fits the graph and that line can help estimate solutions? So if we have enough data and a customer comes with a X size dog asking how much their dog needs to eat, we can refer to the line and figure that out. Is this correct?
ObIivious OP t1_j6lkdl7 wrote
Reply to comment by Easy_Reference6088 in ELI5: linear regression and how it plays a role in deep learning by ObIivious
Thank you thank you. I can see how this may apply in deep learning so ill continue to do research. The word regression is what confused me initially.