
OctoberRust13 t1_j6elaki wrote

I did the same thing on the sidewalk in front of my apartment not even a week ago. I DO have narcan in my truck at all times and since it was right in front of my house, my truck was right there. Someone else stopped to help me and administered the narcan for me because I never had before and I wanted to see it done. Guy came to and went away in an ambulance.

And yeah I don't walk my dog in the area anymore. Constantly have to direct him around broken glass and stop him from eating garbage.

Everyone in this post turning a blind eye to a legitimate issue:

** (Dog at table while kitchen is on fire meme) **



OctoberRust13 t1_j6eellu wrote

Homeless people shitting outdoors isn't a new thing. Armory housing them or not, homeless people have always trashed that park. What can be done about it?

If I've seen human shit there twice in six months in a rainy ass state like Rhode Island how many do you think I didn't see / rain washed away over the period or did I magically see the only 2 ever?


OctoberRust13 t1_j6ee45s wrote

Ding ding ding!

You point out an issue while also expressing empathy and concern for said issue but immediately branded as a bad guy for the former.

Fine, my post may not be worded perfectly, but if people read into it that I was saying "fuck homeless people, let them freeze and die because I don't like litter litter that they produce" that's on you, not me.

It's a discussion looking for a solution that everyone benefits from


OctoberRust13 t1_j6dyrc1 wrote

Is the WBNA a bunch of snooty whites? I really don't know anything about it. I just wanna walk my dog in the neighborhood and park not have to avoid actual shit, broken glass, garbage and crazy/drunk people ... these people need more than a cot thats only available to them from sundown to sunup, they need HELP GETTING OUT OF THIER SITUATION... a warm place to sleep with out offering any other services or resources to them only makes their lifestyle a little more comfortable... please don't misinterpret this as me saying I want them to freeze to death which I'm sure you're all about to jump down my throat about

The streets should be getting cleaner... I actually thought they were for a while until this Amory disaster started and its gotten worse... how long do we sit and watch it get worse and worse but say nothing for fear of our little liberal bubble bursting and being ostracized by our fellow anti-gentrification gentrifiers for pointing out simple facts?


OctoberRust13 t1_j6dathp wrote

Well if you're not completely full of shit, kudos to you

The post is about an INCREASE in litter that correlates directly with the influx of homeless people after the Armory opened its door to them.

You can call it bitching but the post was asking for a conversation about it πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I'll keep an eye out for you with your trash bag though!


OctoberRust13 t1_j6d62ee wrote

Then join CozyRhody like I have on more than 1 occasion.

In fact I think they're on Reddit /u/CozyRhody ?

I'm a hiker/camper and always have a trash bag with me on the trail so enjoy your upvotes for telling me to do something I already do but you by your own admission do not.


OctoberRust13 t1_j6bk54i wrote

That's easy to type for woke cred from other people that don't do anything except flap their jaws. What are you doing to help these people besides pretending you don't mind litter, screaming at 3am and dirty needles on your sidewalk.

You can be empathetic to the problem/people and also acknowledge the effects/repercussions of the influx... those two things are not mutually exclusive


OctoberRust13 t1_j6bfvzs wrote

"Like it used to be" doesnt mean it wasnt terrible then too.

Oh the neighborhood is clean and safe! How awful!

I knew it was a risk posting this because I'm as liberal as they come but to deny the reality of situation isn't being woke...it's being accepting of a broken system and then pointing the finger at me for calling it out as if I'm the problem.

NIMBY? How about not in anyone's backyard?

You probably live in a gentrified section of Providence and guess what? When you were house/apartment hunting, lets be real, you weren't looking west of cranston st. Why is that? Do tell.