
OhMyGodTheyKilledBri t1_ism6nmj wrote

Because China looks at every relationship as an opportunity to help advance China. Currently, if I buy from a company that has a plant in Germany but is based in China, I have to assume that any technical info I send Germany will end up in China and there will be 6 competitors next month who now have access to my proprietary work. We benefit from China’s cheap labor but long term we are playing a game we cannot win. They have used our technical advances to make leaps and bounds. We’re spending billions in the US in R&D for China to use it for essentially free against ourselves.


OhMyGodTheyKilledBri t1_irgxt3l wrote

Lol. You have no idea who I am. Stop it. I listen to NPR all the time, I don’t listen to Fox. NPR is unabashedly anti capitalist. To quote the story I was listening to a few days ago about inflation “companies have gotten addicted to sky high profits…” They have zero understanding of how economics work. If you think humans suffered less before capitalism, you’re delusional.