
Oisschez t1_jdym1qb wrote

Would you shut up man, we’ve done it your way too, for the 50 odd years preceding bail reform.

Shocking that bail reform doesn’t work in a vacuum, and we need a complete overhaul of our criminal justice system for it to truly work. The machine Democrats do not work for me or you or the “countless people hurt and murdered”, as if bail reform that has anything to do with the root causes of crime.

The same democrats you speak of are corporate stooges who do not give a shit about you


Oisschez t1_j7wk28a wrote

So true, I hated the police before. I had an identity theft so had to file a police report. Hated them event more after they came into my apartment, started yelling at each other about unrelated BS, and then constantly interrupt me so I can barely get a word in edgewise.

That day I learned cops are called pigs because they both have the intelligence of 7 year olds