
OkWatermelonlesson19 t1_j8ddzbf wrote

Not a teacher but a parent. I subbed in schools for 6 years and my mom recently retired from teaching in VT. My stepdad is a teacher, my bio dad and step mother are retired administrators.

My concern is r/teachers. My god. I read some of those posts and the negativity and how they clearly hate their students and I am scared for my daughter and her classmates.

Yes, budget cuts are real and are a concern. Programs are being taken away. My kid is and always has been a middle of the road kid. Not IEP, only on a medical 504, not high honors. She’s honor roll or just below. She’s in the group that all of the programs have been cut from. No more two day field trips to Plimouth. No more salmon swimming. No more ski program. No more enrichment.

So you have budget cuts that bring in teachers who hate teaching and hate the kids and what do you get? Unhappy, under educated students.

My mom said even with her worst behaved students, she tried to find at least one thing to like and connect with them on. What is so hard about that?


OkWatermelonlesson19 t1_j4lf2st wrote

As you’re driving through town you’ll see a lot of different restaurants.

My favorite has always been Mr Darcy’s. Their parmesan truffle fries are to die for. I haven’t been since they changed ownership, though, so I can’t say if it’s still the same but they have great food and a good atmosphere.