
Ok_Performance_563 t1_j5ez5ev wrote

That’s a great story! The place was lonely. It has “read up” all the stories on the walls and was aching to see or hear the new ones. After you discussed what you’ve been up to all years, your school memories and finally all met together, it let you go. But yeah, it should be buried, filled in with bricks or cement or whatever, it’s too old and therefore a bit crazy now. But you met, guys, and it got its last treat, so, I think, the memory is also good.


Ok_Performance_563 t1_j1y0pir wrote

I think it’s not gonna work! Best not to try this, it could be much worse, he may be invincible or just too powerful for you, and you don’t even know what his nature is and what kills him. I advise you to play along and investigate further — he has to have some weaknesses. Good luck! Stay safe!


Ok_Performance_563 t1_j1xxax5 wrote

This is a great story! It’s sadly relatable. My partner’s mother and aunt are both the same. Mommy and Aunty))) It took us fleeing the country and several restriction orders to finally make them fuck off. So, sometimes you should be more ehhh assertive — is this the way we put it nowadays?))))