
Oknight t1_jboub3m wrote

I understand a virus to be more like a chain letter than an "organism" -- a package of information that induces an information processing system to make copies of itself, but I believe you need the information processing system functioning, like a living cell, to make the copies or the virus doesn't do anything.


Oknight t1_j4mon6h wrote

But remember the size isn't really a determined thing... the galaxy doesn't have "start and end" points it's a vague cloud mostly of surrounding dark matter in a gigantic halo. There's a "center" to the spiral structure of the areas that are most actively forming stars and where gas and dust are densest but that isn't a strongly defined point the way the Sun is for the Solar System.


Oknight t1_irw7odq wrote

The orbital period of Proxima makes it the closest star to Earth for a much longer period than human beings generally care about. Eventually even the Alpha Centauri system including Proxima won't be the closest stars to Earth and the time frame for that isn't all that much larger than a Proxima "year". In less than 3 Proxima years Gliese 710 will pass only 90 Light Days from Sol.