
OldWierdo t1_jdyqx1n wrote

No, when they fight them, and arrest them, sentence them for 120 counts and extradite to the US to face even more, towns get shut down by the cartel, any vehicle passing a road gets torched, and any cops that show up are killed.

Cartel is at large because Money. The head guy of the Gulf Cartel was worth an estimate of $10 mil, the organization being a multi-billion dollar establishment. Over 3,000 strong. Poor people need money. Well to do people want money. These guys have it, and are making more. Cartels have a MUCH bigger budget than the cops, and fewer rules to follow.

They caught the head of the Gulf Cartel, and while they probably prayed about it, they went out and got him. Extradited him.

The fallout was reported in the middle east:



OldWierdo t1_jdyp2mm wrote

It's not an excuse to do nothing except with lazy people who will use ANY excuse to do nothing. It's an explanation of WHY that person is so effed up. They're evil. Still gotta stop them, but some people are just evil.

Now pretty much all "evil people" had INCREDIBLY abusive childhoods, with few exceptions. Even that 11 year old multiple murderer in England. Evil - how could someone that young do those things to 4- and 6-year olds, have a body count, unless she's just evil? Then you learn about what her "mother" did to her. That's a better Why than "evil," because it's a Why we can try to short-circuit. But either way, "because Evil" is not an excuse to do nothing.


OldWierdo t1_jdyn00c wrote

I get it.

The Good Guys have deep-seated religious beliefs there. So do the Bad Guys. An immutable Law is "Don't Attack People in Religious Sites." While the Bad Guys will do a TON of really horrible things, that's often a bridge too far, so they'll wait til someone is out of the tube to hit them. Makes the tube safer.


OldWierdo t1_jdym815 wrote

True, but when you're fighting a fully-funded military with all the military weapons, well, you've heard the term "there are no atheists in foxholes."

Which isn't true, btw, and this dude has said some REALLY weird stuff, not just about this. Dude's a crackpot.


OldWierdo t1_jaz76yp wrote

Mostly on one, but a number on the other. Cuomo comes to mind. He was accused, so Dems called for an investigation. Investigation said he did it, so Dems called for resignation before having to fire him.

Republicans don't take responsibility. They just defend their guys regardless of what they do, like talk about how hot their own children are. That's why the real sickos gravitate towards them now. Doesn't matter what they do, they will be defended. Democrats tend to demand accountability.


OldWierdo t1_iys27ii wrote

They also had help that they could rely on. They look around and see what happened when the Afghans tried to get rid of the Taliban, what happened when the Syrians tried to get rid of alAssad, what happened when the Kurds tried to get out - they don't trust their support, and they can't do it without support.


OldWierdo t1_ixvlknt wrote

Then one ought to hold themselves to a standard above contempt. Some jobs, employees don't get to make mistakes. A judge who can't admit they're wrong after being proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt ought to never sit on the bench. If a judge makes a mistake and doesn't catch it while proofreading, Judge ought to be called out. Then they don't make mistakes again. They want a job where they can coast by with mistakes? Okay, find a different line of work.

Pilots also don't get to make mistakes. Submarine captains. Parachute riggers. Bungee jump installers. If any of them make a mistake, call them out.


OldWierdo t1_ixj3m6v wrote

It's not that it's easy, it's that it was necessary and you had some decent job opportunities. Hate backbreaking work of farming where you might break even? Learn a language from traveling salesmen and entertainers.Go tell a wealthy merchant you've got a language you think he could use, how much? Bam, you aren't a farmer anymore.


OldWierdo t1_iu8i4ks wrote

US embassies publish the air quality in their cities for American expats living there. People all around the country have access to that same published information. In the cities the metrics were being published by the embassies and consulates, the local governments took steps to improve the air quality so they wouldn't be embarrassed. In cities where quality was not being published, they didn't. It's measurable, and it was measured.