Omfgsomanynamestaken t1_jaj8zi5 wrote
Reply to comment by could_use_a_snack in NASA’s DART data validates kinetic impact as planetary defense method | DART altered the orbit of the asteroid moonlet Dimorphos by 33 minutes by mepper
I mean if an asteroid isn't redirected from its collision course with earth... there won't be any real problems anymore. So there's that reason too!
Omfgsomanynamestaken t1_j66umq2 wrote
Reply to I think someone wants attention 😳 by VloneAlekzz
IT'S A TRAP!!!!!
-some Admiral
Omfgsomanynamestaken t1_j66tig2 wrote
Reply to Why are "metals" more effective at cooling molecular clouds than hydrogen and helium? by Thomas_Bonk
Yay!! I know I know its theoretical but I bet you didn't even know this!!
Omfgsomanynamestaken t1_jdf4dgv wrote
Reply to comment by brad1123 in My bf adopted an elderly kitty from a shelter for his new place. I think he likes it here (OC) by FinchFuxFox
Ah God I'm sorry, dude...