PM_ME_C_CODE t1_izz0r60 wrote

Current battery tech limitations are why some people are pushing hydrogen as an alternatives specifically for long haul trucking.

Even after taking things like embrittlement and leakage into account, it's probably the best liquid fuel alternative until we can improve battery/capacitor tech to the point it's a non-issue.

Improving battery tech will take time.

We can start mounting hydrogen fuel cells for an all-electric drive-train today.

"But hydrogen is actually grey hydrogen! Why do you hate da urth?"

Fuck you. EV electricty isn't 100% clean either and you're letting theoretical perfection (not even real perfection, you fucking wankers) be the enemy of improvement.

Heavy batteries on big-rigs is a bad idea.

Elon should have been laughed off of the stage when he first unveiled these fucking piece of shit trucks.


PM_ME_C_CODE t1_iusjuje wrote

>everyone loves pandas

I don't.

They're lazy, stupid, and they eat food with almost zero nutrient value.

They're Chinese koalas, and I hate those little fuckers too for the same reasons.

It's like evolution said "if you're inefficient, you'll die out!" and pandas went, "hold my beer".

You want a real animal? Try the African Cape Buffalo. There's a real animal!

Run around in massive herds, and work together to make sure you don't fuck with 'em. They've been known to circle back and ambush hunters when the shot doesn't kill them in one. And they're so good at it they've been nick-named "The Widowmaker" and "Black Death".

If you piss off the herd and try to escape up a tree, they'll just camp out until you either die of dehydration or come down and get what you've got coming. Also, if they knock you down, they'll wait for you to get back up. Then they'll knock you down again. And they'll keep that up until you're dead.

They've been known to surround lion prides and wipe them out before the lions attacked.

Or you can be a fan of a living bean-bag chair.


PM_ME_C_CODE t1_isqle7n wrote

>What I'd suggest is before signing paperwork for buying a house, have an ISP tech visit and confirm there is service

And get it in writing. That way if even after the tech says "yes we can" and they can't, you can sue.

A home is a massive investment. CYA.