If you have a Discord, there are a few servers that you might be interested in. Super Review has the #earbud-buddies channel, Gizaudio has the #flatheads channel, and RikudouGoku has the #earbud channel and a few others. Hope more people join the earbud rabbit hole in these exciting times 🥳
PM_ME_JPOP_RECS t1_j9onb3c wrote
Reply to Please explain In-Ear to me by DreamShiftThing
If you have a Discord, there are a few servers that you might be interested in. Super Review has the #earbud-buddies channel, Gizaudio has the #flatheads channel, and RikudouGoku has the #earbud channel and a few others. Hope more people join the earbud rabbit hole in these exciting times 🥳