POO7 t1_jeep0s9 wrote

Definitely something I've thought about while watching more tin tin with my little boy over the past few months.

Given how often he is knocked out...he is the absolute champion of recovery from being concussed.


POO7 t1_j9twuoq wrote

don't waste your money going 'up the ladder', unless you have a lot of money to waste.

The differences are so small, despite the hyperbolic adjectives used to describe them, that the money is much better spent on better headphones/iems, or on something productive in your life.

As for Tidal, it wins for me because it has the best artist payout, especially with the 10% to the artist you listened to most for each month (~$2). It is still pitifully small, but much more than others are doing.


POO7 t1_it6d88r wrote

>audiophilia is fundamentally just dressed-up consumerism<

This. Very well put.

I have put lots of extra money on top of getting nice headphones into gear like DAC/amp, partly because people said it would make a huge difference.... And it makes a difference, but rarely worth the money, and never anything close to what people say when they are gushing over the skiing of some new or different gear.

Be smart with your hard earned money, Buy some decent headphones in your desired budget, and enjoy your music collection.