t1_jdxu760 wrote

He's a decent enough guy. I've met him and, besides some probably religiously motivated opinions that I'd not take, he's a the good apple among the rotten. Therefore he should think more critically about the company he keeps imo, the term "vermont republican" is becoming less and less meaningful to separate from the national story. The term is about as dated as navel high pants in the 70's. Have some guts and denounce the party.


t1_j8on4yq wrote

It's not intolerant to call out intolerance.

Whether you know it or not, you are now writing in defense of well proven misinformation on race and gender and it is okay to be intolerant of you and others who spout from the same sources. I know it sucks to have your voice not taken seriously in this conversation. It never will be.


t1_j7y7faz wrote

Even if it's just food service they are regularly robbed, and more likely to die of violence than police.

But it is fair to say we don't want this guy escalating and hurting anyone, police or not. I think what you were saying is "think of the police before you wish this guy commits suicide by cop". Which is great. But at a glance it also reads that you'd consider withholding justice to spare the police. Which prompted the "other dangerous jobs" discussion.