
Pantim t1_j2xnlsl wrote

Simple, stop wasting food.

The amount of food waste through the whole system is insane.

We keep focusing on how to increase yields and that is just not the answer. We need to focus on shipping logistics. We also need to admit that growing and disturbing food is not really profitable and never should be. That it should be at most a 1-2% above cost profit industry across the board from growing to selling it.

Or better yet, take the profit out of the whole thing and just make it a sustenance industry.

All this would mean that we'd have to make it illegal for grocery stores and restaurants to throw out perfectly good food.

Which btw, I'm pretty sure that those same industries are responsible for the laws we have about food having to be thrown out instead of donated.

I've heard endless amounts of stories of people dumpster diving and finding tons of good food in them that still has days and days before the expiration date. Then of course, most grocery stores now take measures to make sure that you can't dumpster dive via locking away the dumpsters or using compactors. They claim it is for people's safety.

I call BS. It's all profit motivated. They could easily partner with food banks to give away food before it goes bad.

... And some do. Most don't though.


Pantim t1_j2qqeli wrote

Reply to comment by BassLB in Tiny Giraffes when? by Bullet1289

All though, I honestly personally think the idea of us keeping "pets" is horrible. 90% of pets are not treated like the fellow sentient beings they are.


We really should just stop breeding them and let lines we've made die out. Just keep the dogs etc that serve a purpose like keeping away other animals.


Spend more of our love energy on other humans.


Pantim t1_j2qpb0f wrote

Reply to comment by BassLB in Tiny Giraffes when? by Bullet1289

I think an Elephant would make a horrible pet. You could never leave it alone or it would go nuts and destroy the house. Or get ultra depressed the second you walked out the door. (Much more so than dogs)


Elephants are like the ultimate social animal that can't survive and be healthy outside of a pack.