
Paradox68 OP t1_je8ho60 wrote

First four sentences are entirely anecdotal so I’ll ignore it entirely.

-12 layers thing is semi bullshit. Every company has these layers you’re describing, they’re called departments. Even at my job, we have my local team, then we have the manager of that team, then we have the department lead, then that guy has a manager who is the director, then that director has a team of other directors and all those directors are part of another team and that team reports up to either another department or the C-level, depending on how big the company is. Let’s make this clear, I’m NOT saying that companies aren’t bloated, they are. I know that, everyone knows that. The thing you’re not understanding is that if there are departments dedicated to researching and actioning the effectiveness of layoffs, then it becomes a non-issue for the business because it’s ever-changing. It’s obviously too complex of an issue to encapsulate here, or to come up with one cut and dry solution, so I guess I don’t understand why you think you know more than the people at Amazon who are actually paid to do this.

Still waiting on an answer from the other guy on where he pulled 50,000 from


Paradox68 OP t1_je8fl3j wrote

>and 3rd party retailers would be more likely to ship with Amazon if the delivery business is separated from the retail business

Why do you think this? Like I said, anyone with a brain would still understand that it’s still Amazon or owned by Amazon. And that using the business benefits Amazon in one way or another. Retailers don’t ship with Amazon because they are competing with Amazon. Even if it was separated, they would still know that using Amazon to ship would detriment their business inherently by helping Amazon.

Like I said, it’s all asinine.


Paradox68 OP t1_je7t9kp wrote

Where are you pulling this number? 50,000 employees? What departments? Which employees? Do you even understand the logistics that must go into layoffs to ensure it’s a good move for the business? Do you even understand the amount of money that is spent researching that data before they even come to a decision?

50,000 people out of a job for what? I agree that “trimming the fat” occasionally is completely necessary, if not, mandatory for a business to succeed, but you can’t just look at it like it’s a singular data point. “Well on average the employees there make $100,000/yr so if we cut 50,000 jobs we’ll be up $5,000,000,000 a year in revenue!” Has too many fallacies and oversimplifications to comment on.

There are a lot of other, more effective measures a business can take on such a massive operational scale to cut costs.


Paradox68 OP t1_je7sgld wrote

I’m just wondering what his deal really is. Is $15k such a small amount of money to this person that they wouldn’t even bother reading the rest of the post (which had nothing to do with my position anyways, I was just doing that to cooperate with the rules of the Sub)

Or maybe they’re just so bad with their ADHD that two paragraphs is simply impossible to sit through.

All in all, it’s really sad because I know for a fact that they did read the entire post, they’re just trying to seem snide and witty, at my expense. It’s sad we can’t just have a discussion.


Paradox68 OP t1_je7bul1 wrote

I don’t understand the benefits to a shareholder of a company splitting into segments? Also what does this really change? Amazon (and Alibaba) already have a million subsidiaries. This just seems like a dumb way to avert Monopoly regulation to me, but I’ll admit I don’t know all the facts there, obviously.