
Pattmommy t1_j90sygx wrote

I’ve lived in New England almost all my life but had a period of time when we lived in Florida (10 years) then Missouri (18 months) and the Netherlands (2 years) and never felt like any of those places were ‘home’. I cried whenever we left Logan after visiting. My oldest daughter was 4 when we did our first move and when we eventually returned her statement was ‘now I feel like I’m home’. (Of course my second daughter has lived in Oregon now for 8 years and loves it, lol.) I grew up in Maine, lived in MA for a long time and now live in the beautiful Granite State. I can’t imagine living any place else.

Good luck in AZ!


Pattmommy t1_j5s001a wrote

Trees! We experienced an 8 day power outage when we lived in Tyngsboro MA and after that National Grid went around trimming a lot of trees and we rarely had any power outages after that. Now we live here in NH in an area with underground utilities and never have power outages. 🤷🏻‍♀️