
PaulieatesomeWalnuts t1_iydva7a wrote

I would pay your landlord ASAP and make up some excuse that is not because of your budget issues. Say it was a bank glitch or that you were out of the country (someone else below rec'd this). If you give them the real reason it'll give them pause about renewing because they might not think you're financial stable to pay the rent every month moving forward.

Good luck. A lot of people on here not being so nice without realizing that it could be a tough time for people financially, especially this time of year.


PaulieatesomeWalnuts t1_ix61yom wrote

I found a bird while in Manhattan a few months ago. I called the Wild Bird Fund and they said if the bird is not injured, to leave it near where you found it so that its mother could find it. If it's injured, then you should bring it to the place on the UWS.


I called three vets that day and they all said to call the UWS place. None of them took birds.