
PeedLearning t1_irbosst wrote

(I have published myself in the meta-learning field, and worked a lot on robotics)

I see no applications of meta learning appearing, outside of self-citations within the field. The SOTA in supervised learning doesn't use any meta-learning. The SOTA in RL neither. The promise of learning to learn never really came true...

... until large supervised language models seemed to suddenly meta-learn as an emergent property.

So not only did nothing in the meta-learning field really take off and had some impact outside of computer science research papers, its original reason of being has been subsumed by a completely different line of research.

Meta-learning is no longer a goal, it's understood to be a side-effect of sufficiently large models.


PeedLearning t1_ir70vku wrote

Hundreds of Phd students were in their positions. Few made such an impact.

It's not easy to be impactful, even with a good supervisor. In Krizhevsky's case, one could even argue he had a big impact, despite having Hinton as a supervisor. Alexnet was kind of built behind Hinton's back as he didn't approve of the research direction. Hinton did turn around later and recognize the importance though.