
Pellinor_Geist t1_ixqzzvj wrote

If you are still breathing an hour and a half later, you did not have an allergic reaction. I needed my epipen within 2 minutes because I was gasping for breath the last time I had a reaction.

If this is still recent, make sure the stinger isn't still in your butt. That might be some of the pain, if it broke off on impact.


Pellinor_Geist t1_isxiz0i wrote

I have a dust allergy. Start by cleaning. Wear a mask when you do to prevent dust inhalation. Potentially take a decongestant as well. Change sheets/bedding. Wipe off dust on fan blades, blinds, curtains, window ledges, dressers, etc. Maybe try new pillows. Tgere are several styles and materials, everyone reacts differently. I prefer feather pillows, my wife likes memory foam.

Lastly, gentle airflow shouldn't matter, but a lot of air flow may be moving more dust particles around all night. If the ceiling fan runs overnight, my wife and son wake up severely congested. Not me, but it can have an impact.