
PeteRose4HOF t1_is8ryn1 wrote

> Ok, explain to me how does illegal possession of a phone deserve a year in solitary confinement? You really consider that an appropriate punishment fit for the crime?

I think it deserves far more. Cell phones are a way to get around security and as I stated before, cell phones are dangerous for a variety of reasons. If you think cell phones DON'T deserve a serious punishment, then you are just ignorant on security.


PeteRose4HOF t1_is8pp1a wrote

> It’s so wrong when people get punished for making art.

The issue isn't the art, it is the possession of a cell phone and gang activities. Cell phones have been used by inmates in the past to orchestrate escapes, harass their victims from behind bars, order hits, intimidate guards, bribe witnesses, and even possess child pornography.

Unauthorized cell phones have no place in a prison.