PhilosophyFrisbee t1_j5igycu wrote
Ive been in movies.
So answer the hard question first - are you even remotely good at acting? Can you lie straight faced? If you are, then go for it, knowing that there's a 99.99% of failure, But if you succeed, then that 0.01% chance will feel like a million bucks, and you will love it, and because it will be as fleeting as a gust of wind and you'll chase it for the rest of your life.
Try stage, improv, and comb the living shit out of casting agencies looking for extras. It's so fun.
PhilosophyFrisbee t1_j5kmptl wrote
Reply to Discipline will literally get you ANYwhere you want. [Advice] [Brain Dump] [Text] by Top_Treacle_7205
Somewhat disagree.
Gladwell has done great studies on this, and while drive will generally help, there is a major component of luck (timing, being born into the right family, knowing the right people, having access to support systems) involved in anyones success.
It's drive and luck