
PieDiscombobulated11 t1_j1m7s3y wrote

The right answer has been provided multiple times but I'll repeat...

  1. Thr Beyer 770 factory tuning is not optimized for FPS games. IMO the Beyer 900 Pro X offers the best game tune (staging, tone, footsteps) but gets very fatiguing due to heavy bass after 1-2hrs of COD or BF.

  2. 'Brain Train' is real. You need to listen to a new pair of headphones for a week or so to really appreciate the musical presentation. Also make sure you're fitting them on your head correctly. Fit is super important!

My recommendation for the best staging, sound, footsteps and comfort is the Sennheiser PC38x. Over the years I've literally tried them all and these offer the best performance across FPS and Action game titles.