
PinkLemonadeJam t1_itmarai wrote

A nanny is going to run about $25-$30/hour. Keep in mind that's just salary. You would be an employer (legally) so you also have to consider things like payroll, taxes, etc. There are other costs as well: covering PTO and sick days, holiday bonus, $ for supplies and outings, etc. You also have to pay overtime for any hours over 40 in a week.

All said and done, a nanny is usually in the neighborhood of $70-90k/year.

For daycare, let me just say - yikes. You guys need to get on that. You really needed to be on multiple waitlists as soon as the pregnancy test came back. Needing two spots - you are in for a rough go my friend. You might not have the luxury of choosing - it might be a get whatever you can find situation.