
PizzaPet t1_iy4okvp wrote

It's crazy because I feel like it wasn't that long ago that it was clear who the winner was, regardless of anything besides their work. One show that comes to mind that had a lot of women (and some men, though mostly women IIRC) of countless backgrounds is Cupcake Wars. It never crossed my mind during a single episode that the winner was chosen due to race. We do live in a different political climate now, though. I have no problem with the premise of LP winning, but when most of the audience is shocked that it was Tao, it's fair to suggest it's totally rigged. That's too bad for your friend. I definitely would advise my friends against going on reality tv unless they want to see the worst version of themselves lol 😆


PizzaPet t1_iy4bj7g wrote

To be clear, LP was my pick for a majority of the show. She just really blew it in the finale. It was so shocking when she won, because I was certain it would be Tao or Kate. It was pretty obvious when they referenced "people who look like you and me", for some reason not saying black or POC.


PizzaPet t1_iy28h14 wrote

The winner literally only won because she's black. It was cringe how much they emphasized that in the finale, when she totally blew one of the final challenges. Tao should've won. We are so past the point of bartending being a "white" thing, if it ever was.

Edit: why y'all mad? LP was the front runner in the beginning but she blew the finale. She didn't deserve to win.


PizzaPet t1_itq8kxb wrote

I think the US should adopt the system they have in the Netherlands. The system works so that you MUST find a Dutch citizen to fill a job before you consider foreign applicants. Foreigners can only get a job if there is absolutely no Dutch person who is capable and willing for that job, and you need a job before you move to country, unless you're rolling in money that will help the economy. Bring value to the country or stay out.


PizzaPet t1_itjvwjy wrote

Your original comment "we didn't see unemployment numbers that high again until Trump". No, we never saw unemployment numbers that high since 1933.

Your original comment did not say highest unemployment since the great depression. I can't help you backtracking.

Yeah, I feel it's fair to take the peak rate during covid with a grain of salt. I mean, Obama got to 10% without the world shutting down. What's 4.7% more when a global pandemic is in full swing?

Anyway, have a night.

Edit: "we didn't see those unemployment numbers until Trump" same thing. We never saw them again.


PizzaPet t1_itjucy4 wrote

Alright, dude. Go look at 1933.

Again, YOU were the one who said we didn't see unemployment rates that high until Trump. That's just false and you can't admit it for some reason. We have never seen 24.9% unemployment rate since 1933, so cut the crap just because you hate Trump. Lies don't help you.

I also don't give a single fuck about immigrants being unemployed, so I'm not gonna read that. Americans first.


PizzaPet t1_itjrmp5 wrote

You don't take corrections well, do you? You claimed that we saw 25% unemployment under Trump. You were wrong. Why have you nothing to say about Obama's 10% record? The world didn't shut down during his two terms. Also, positions filled has nothing to do with American employment rate. 500 million Chinese immigrants can come start working tomorrow. That will not effect the employment rate.


PizzaPet t1_itjplnc wrote

Trump brought unemployment down 1.5% from inauguration to Feb 2020. It shot up in March 2020 (covid, obviously) and has been going down since,now back to 3.5% as it was before covid. I wonder how you think that bringing more immigrants will further improve the unemployment numbers of American citizens.

Edit: unemployment was 3x as high at its peak under Obama than it was under Trump (barring covid). Neither of them got anywhere near 25%, but Obama certainly got closer.
