
Plane_Pea5434 t1_jdplndt wrote

What you need to remember is that it’s not a website it’s a company that uses the website to sell ads, and that company’s needs a lot of manpower for sales, accounting, software development, maintenance, as well as the infrastructure that supports the website like data centres


Plane_Pea5434 t1_j9vc19v wrote

You can usa any quantity of characters for a numeral system, binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal are the most common AFAIK but there isn’t any limit to what you can use, if you mean in computers basically because we use “switches” that can be either on or off and 0/1 represent those states


Plane_Pea5434 t1_j4u08ws wrote

The energy dissipates in other forms, if you yell (assuming no spacesuit) the air will just go out and keep travelling trough space, if you do have a suit the the vibrations will eventually become heat that will be radiated in to the vacuum, remember that sound is how we perceive the movement of the air and not exactly a kind of energy


Plane_Pea5434 t1_j3f7t77 wrote

Not really sure how to explain it but the basic idea is that the reaction is harder, let’s say for example there’s an explosion or other loud and sudden sound, if you are distracted you simply get a big stimulus from nowhere and it can probably be dangerous so your fight or flee mechanisms kick in, your pupils dilate, your muscles tense, your heart beats faster, essentially all your senses are enhanced and that makes it feel more intense while when you are expecting it there’s no adrenaline rush so it feels “normal”


Plane_Pea5434 t1_j1xsrcj wrote

The thing is that while you can get the monitor to display the same color you see on your Pantone guide someone with a different monitor may see something completely different, Pantone is used so you can tell someone across the world “I need this plastic to be this kind of red” and they use the exact same color, pretty useful in manufacturing or advertising for example, Pantone has guides for a lot of materials so it’s not only what you see on screen