
PleasantInspection12 t1_j4cykir wrote

Hi, as you suggested getting deep intuition, regarding that I am continuously learning (as fast as I can without losing details) through courses, books, and articles. I am also building projects (kinda basic but starting somewhere) with the datasets available on kaggle. Also, try to do some brainstorming about how and why some model works in my free time.

You mentioned that you had two ML related roles before without any AI related course work. I will be really glad if I could learn more about your experience. If you don't mind, can I message you privately?


PleasantInspection12 t1_j3gkrqy wrote

I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in CS. I am very interested in ML and want to pursue a career in this field as a ML Engineer. I am currently learning ML and building few projects alongside.
However, I want to know how realistic it is to get a job as MLE after Bachelor's degree (as I certainly don't wanna stay jobless after graduation even though I love ML too much). I really look forward to learn about the experience of other members regarding this.