PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja956bl wrote
Reply to comment by belac4862 in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
I got the main story reading list off the internet. Horus Rising. There are several books that start before this, but they show the motivations of side players- whether defect, or not.
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja8vh6x wrote
Reply to comment by DrBoots in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
>Not for nothing, but the Caiaphas Cain books are a lot of fun as well. Probably the closest Warhammer 40K gets to being an intentional comedy.
Like Robert Asprin, or Terry Pratchett?
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja8ac4x wrote
Reply to comment by cgee in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
It would be WWI, if they spake with a grand Quixotic prose. If there was a bible version written in that language most congregations in the USA wouldn't use it because their parishioners can't operate on that level.
I think its more complicated than WWE. Part of the rebellion is >!Logar; he has great faith, but with no where to go is it wrong to serve Chaos? Are any of them that turn wrong if they apprear to be the legitimate Gods of this place. The Emperor is secular, but belief in him and holding out a talisman will defeat warp enemies. I'm currently at the part of Battle for the Abyss where the lone person that was able to infiltrate the Abyss was a world eater, whose Primarch was a rebel. !<
The absolute pargetry is over the top. Planning smooth an entire continent for a change of command, constructing massive review towers. I had to stop when I read the sentence, servitor guided missile. Servitors are one of the most abhorrent things I've ever read.
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja6fdwz wrote
Reply to comment by Letholdus13131313 in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
Its brought up at the end and the death
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja69maq wrote
Reply to comment by AtLeastThisIsntImgur in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
Also solid. The hybrid of swords, guns, genosplicing, psykers is really apt.
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja66wnw wrote
Reply to comment by typeyou in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
Horus Rising is where I started because the print order told me to. I'm on book 8 of the publish order. The one one that can be skipped at this point is Decent Of Angels. False Gods and Galaxy in Flames are next in the Publishing order, but you could read Fulgrim, Legion, and Battle for the Abyss for prequels that explain how different legions decided to stand for or against Horus
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja65yjz wrote
Reply to comment by Michaelbirks in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
Just imagine the Omnissiah working in the most metal andvainglorious way possible
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja64ol1 wrote
Reply to comment by Michaelbirks in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
If I had to explain Warhammer in a pithy phrase I'd say It was 'Space Rome, but Dethklok. Surprisingly good.'
Submitted by PregnancyRoulette t3_11czu6q in books
PregnancyRoulette t1_ja0wog0 wrote
Reply to comment by YourMILisCray in How to read Don Quixote by [deleted]
I loved the Norton Abridged anthology translation, which is by Burton Raffel; but when I got the Gutenberg I did end up stalling. Maybe after I tackle everything else I'll go back.
PregnancyRoulette OP t1_ja95sso wrote
Reply to comment by piers_plowman in Warhammer: I'm surprised how good it is. by PregnancyRoulette
This post is me arguing that they are worth reading. The canonical reading list starts with Horus Rising; other books start prior and show us other people's motivations as they catch up to Horus' rebellion. As well as some outriggers in the same uni.