
PrimarySwan t1_j1b7w0a wrote

It's been hours since a vessel above 10000 t has caught fire, we're definetly overdue. It's really too bad Ukraine didn't get any major vessels post USSR they would be sitting ducks if Ukraine had a couple of fast well maintained destroyers. The Russian navy can't go past 15 knots. Some good old fashioned main gun duels.


PrimarySwan t1_ixa6hya wrote

It's all for clicks. is a great news site. Obviously geared towards physics news but they have a big astronomy and space exploration section with some great writers that usually have STEM education. And they also cover all the sciences, you have a chemistry section, bio etc... but focus on physics. So a great place to get your JWST and CERNor LIGO news without clickbait. And they do magical stuff like publish corrections for articles if something was wrong.