
Prior_Woodpecker635 t1_j2aii8i wrote

Agreed, we have vaccines that do that and have saved millions from suffering needlessly. COVID MRNA does not meet that mark and the data is very clear. Respectfully, I don’t want to assume that’s your talking point, but it does pan a little with the misinformation about this vaccine that still persists ie- about protecting others. On paper and in waking life with friends and family it does not produce the effects touted by the experts in gov. Does not stop transmission in most… does not stop most from getting it. May stop a certain % sure, but it is no where near a silver bullet for Carte Blanche mandates. For reference you can look at vaccination rates in Uttar Pradesh/ Israel/ Uganda and find their statistics do tell a story of Covid response and their effects on those populations with regard to transmission.

Our government (assuming your American)fumbled this emergency.. full stop. I’m concerned that a portion of our society has been captured by bad information. From “its just a flu”.. to “the vaccine should be mandated” ..even for school aged children. They are both wrong and there isn’t a shred of data for either that withstood actual scientific scrutiny and the evidence of our eyes and ears… without special interests or politicization entered in. It’s been two years of lip service on a shaky concept and that’s a hard pill to swallow. I’ve come around myself after being in the Vaccinate campaign camp. The premise was BS and I bought it. I admit it.

People at large need to be able to change their minds when the best information is available and direct. The unadulterated info and Occam’s razor seem to jive here. The term misinformation has been appropriated by one sect of society as a crutch for outdated thinking.

Damned be the Reddit Karma. If you haven’t heard this perspective, then consider it a duty from someone who cares about you.. albeit over the Internet.