
ProfessionalPause122 t1_j1qgceo wrote

Entirely fair about what you’re saying but there’s just some things I cannot come to terms with and don’t understand. Let me preface by saying I believe understand your perspective and the perspective of the general sceptic. I put myself In your shoes. But, I am genuinely curious. Wouldn’t you, in fairness, agree that if our planet was being visited by an extraterrestrial intelligence, we would have something of a philosophical obligation to enquire and understand the phenomenon? If there were any chance of it being true, shouldn’t we investigate, like how we investigated god? I’m just a fuckin idiot but my special power is logic.

Today, UFOlogy is a science first and foremost I would argue. It is data driven. It’s no longer the public that is espousing the potential of an extraterrestrial phenomenon, it is in fact the US government. The pentagon released the Nimitz encounters story and 3 videos to the New York Times in 2017. You can find all this on Google. It’s no longer stupid fucks like me talking about it, it’s our governments, who, let’s be real, they would be the only people who know about this besides anecdotes from an unfortunate few.

I would argue that philosophy has some catching up to do with science.


ProfessionalPause122 t1_j1q463b wrote

Any alien believers in the chat? I’m sure most of you are aware of the Nimitz encounters or Roswell or whatever else have you.

I’ve been searching for a while for post-disclosure philosophy but haven’t had much luck. I mean I didn’t look too hard either but I don’t think much of it exists. I guess I’m a fairly big hippie so I started investigating the phenomenology of conscious experience and altered states of conscious experience, the likes of Terrence McKenna, Aldous Huxley, philosophies descending from Nietzschean thought, Schopenhauer, Eastern spirituality and Buddhism but no reference to the new paradigm that must urgently be assessed and understood.

From my experience, UAP phenomenology research is the subject of tremendous ridicule, the scientists want nothing to do with it for fear of their status and careers and philosophers don’t seem to care. Anyone out there who cares?
