
Psych_Crisis t1_je78xmm wrote

We have a lot of weird things that we make sacred in my country. It's not all inherently bad, and every country should have it's on flavor, but yeah, we like graves.

Fast food. Baseball. Graves.


Psych_Crisis t1_je6sfjj wrote

Actually, I suspect you're correct on this. I think I was just being a little flip. Arlington National Cemetery is for members of the military who've earned some kind of status. I'm not sure if that factors into the matter. On the other hand, I live in an area where there are graves that are hundreds of years old.

Definitely a part of our culture that I'm not deeply familiar with.


Psych_Crisis t1_jdwt5f8 wrote

I worked in radio for awhile, and at night we had a procedure where the board operator (the only person in the building over night) checks the transmitters periodically to make sure they're operating within certain specs. After dark, you also have to check a little indicator for the lights on the tower.

One night the indicator said the lights weren't on. I called the chief engineer and woke him up. He advised me on power cycling the whole thing, and said "if the lights don't come back on, you're going to be spending some time on the phone with the FAA." Luckily, they did. Learned something about my job that night, though.