
PulledPorkPlease t1_ja3mw8a wrote

Yes. Cape cod is awesome. There are plenty of quiet towns and also plenty of party areas. My parents moved down there and have a house that is not in one of the tourist towns.

So summers are still amazing. And the rest of the year is so quiet and peaceful

The ding dongs that call it a “tourist trap” are literally tourists that get trapped in the tourist trap towns. 😂


PulledPorkPlease t1_ja0rf25 wrote

It’s awesome. We have the big city, the casino, the sports venues, CAPE COD, beaches everywhere. Close to mountains for skiing as well. All 4 seasons.

Most people lean left but you’ll still find a lot of moderates and conservatives.

We have the best hospitals in the country and the best schools. Good affordable healthcare and solid insurance laws to protect motorists.

Gas prices never went that high when shit hit the fan, and food shelves are always full.

It’s an amazing area.

Rent can be a bit high if you live really close or in Boston. Just go to the Waltham area if you need cheaper rent.