
Pwells42 t1_jdv83l3 wrote

There is nothing in particular that makes a life "worth living". Life is our soul's experience in the physical realm here on earth, so everything you experience in this lifetime, good or bad, enhances the soul. Pleasant experiences are no more important than unpleasant ones.

Here's the problem today though. All of the technology we have created that generates frequencies (radio, WiFi, satellite signals) interferes with our soul's connection to the Creator and weakens our control over the more animalistic behaviors of our human host bodies. Indeed, it can be so bad that it disconnects the soul from the host completely and you wind up with people who commit heinous atrocities. I believe the coupling during gestation can also be corrupted and you wind up with female souls in male host bodies and vice versa. There is a positive side to this last point in that it reconciles faith with homosexuality. You can be who you are and, regardless of what other people or organizations think of you or how they attack you, you are still accepted and loved by the Creator and will return to the garden when your soul is freed from your physical host.