
Quantentheorie t1_j5o0x0i wrote

Two comedians I was absolutely zero surprised to hear struggled with depression were Williams and Jim Carrey.

I had to watch Bruce almighty every year at ski camp (look, they only had the one movie) and because it made me sad every time I spent every year trying to figure out why I so disliked his physical humour. I related, but I related in the "I can see the pain beneath and I dont want to" way.

Not to shit on either of them, I adore them both in serious roles, but their comedy movies are often downers to me.


Quantentheorie t1_itfuufs wrote

without the rules of the reincarnation specifically outfitting you with that feature, I don't see how. Its not like we're usually able to identify any part of our body by any means other than our known senses.

Heck, I've had a limb fall asleep, then wondered who's f*ing arm this is often enough to know I can fail to recognise my own body part while its still attached to me.


Quantentheorie t1_itcd5w0 wrote

this is a thought that has crossed my mind a couple of times seeing full roman skeletons presented in a museum; laid out under glas in their sarcophagus to just... look at.

Not that I personally would mind if it were mine. But its a weird conflict because the reason this is "fine" is that they're just bones, not people, their identities and in any real way something intimate and private - but the only real reason we display old skeletons like this (which are completely ordinary modern human skeletons in most regards) is also because we're fascinated and interested in the fact that this used to be a person that walked, talked and had a life.