QueenCassie5 t1_izm4w0w wrote
Reply to comment by Volkornbroten in Fjadrargljufur Canyon - Iceland[OC][1585x2000] by dougolupski
This is the limit of my knowledge on the subject. They said it was no longer a thing they did, it is super bad, ok, bummer. What is the new solution? Freaky expensive camera. :-(
QueenCassie5 t1_izl7x8y wrote
Reply to comment by Sbbazzz in Fjadrargljufur Canyon - Iceland[OC][1585x2000] by dougolupski
Using film that shows the IR part of the spectrum, you can see healthy vs unhealthy parts of a forest for example.
QueenCassie5 t1_izl7q4v wrote
Reply to comment by dougolupski in Fjadrargljufur Canyon - Iceland[OC][1585x2000] by dougolupski
How did you get this processed? The film lab told me no more IR film because the processing is toxic.
QueenCassie5 t1_iy8ptb6 wrote
Reply to comment by xylem-and-flow in US bat species devastated by fungus now listed as endangered by zsreport
Gods yes this. The whole thing. It is why I fall apart cry sob at simple beauty because I know the devastation also. Keep doing it. And enjoy those meadowlarks.
QueenCassie5 t1_ivz0sx7 wrote
Reply to comment by ThyNynax in Nevada passes sweeping version of Equal Rights Amendment by [deleted]
And then I Robot and we start over.
QueenCassie5 t1_j628eyq wrote
Reply to In Memory of "Seven" - A poem for the seven astronauts who perished on January 28, 1986 by graboidian
Ok dang that is good stuff for a "back of napkin" coffee shop poem. Heck, even after several drafts, how many people can write like that? It is good.